“Whatever good we see in our world is because of an educative mind & realistic act behind it.”


Assalaamu alaikum and warm greetings to all.

The al-ameen school is the foundational stone for the domain of alameen educational society. We have been giving a supreme era of education and imparting multiple intelligent knowledge to provide the country its prolific nation builders under the centenary guidance of the Executive Council for I have also adhered to the principles of our founder “knowledge for all”.
As Principal of this breath-taking wondrous institution, it is my constant endeavour to follow in the footsteps of my illustrious founder Baba-E-Taalimm Dr MUMTAZ AHMED KHAN for I believe teaching is not just a profession; it is a calling, a gift from above to carve the GOD‟s gifts to mankind.
I personally believe our system of education comes with an uncompromising commitment and dedication of our most senior faculty members that rejoices experienced learning. It aims to achieve measurable, observable, and quantifiable results among all the products of al-ameen.
Our school provides value based education to the young minds and provide a satiable environment to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and psychologically. The school aegis for every student who strives for excellence by providing centum scholarship to the ones in need of assistance. @ al-ameen we have the best of bestest young faculty reverberating every child‟s needs and desire.
It is my privilege to lead an administrative and academic team that always has the best interests of our students at heart. By the Grace of almighty, we shall continue to provide a learning environment that fires the imagination, inspires the intellect and kindles the glorious human spirit. Above all, we want the school to be a happy place; a haven of learning, sharing and caring to which every child and every member of the staff is happy to come to every morning.


Opposite Lalbagh Main Gate
Hosur Road


Phone: +91-9686965584
Fax: 080-22278464


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.